Re: 2.4.7 Focus Visible

On 10/07/2023 18:48, Steve Green wrote:
> Maybe I'm a bit thick, but I just don't see what problem :focus-visible is supposed to solve. And I suspect that there isn't a single developer out there who knows what it's for, either. Not that that stops them using it (incorrectly). It's a problem on just about every website we test nowadays. This has happened so rapidly I suspect it's baked (incorrectly) into some of the frameworks.

Take a vanilla web page with a <button>. Now, click it with your mouse. 
All modern browsers do NOT show a default focus outline as a result. 
Only if you use the keyboard will you see the default focus outline.

Now, add explicit :focus styles. As soon as there are explicit :focus 
styles, the focus indicator is applied to the button indiscriminately, 
both after mouse click and when receiving keyboard focus.

For aeons, authors have tried to square this circle, with increasingly 
hacky solutions.

Now, with :focus-visible, you as an author can define custom styles 
(like you could with :focus), but the browser only applies these styles 
in the same situation where it would normally show its default outline. 
I.e. in our <button> example, the custom focus styles will show when 
interacting with the keyboard, but not when just clicking with the mouse.

This has actually been long fought for - a nuanced approach to guarantee 
that authors can provide nice clear focus styles for keyboard users, 
while not forcing these styles indiscriminately even for mouse 
interactions. Because, believe it or not, not all mouse users want to 
have focus styles on. This provides a best-of-both-worlds approach, with 
the possibility of browser then offering much more granular 
options/settings for users to specify whether or not they do want these.

Note that things like <input type="text"> are exempt here - browsers 
already show a default focus indication for these even as a result of 
clicking with the mouse, and as a result :focus-visible styles also 
apply here.

> If there is a problem to be solved, I don't understand how any reliable solution can be based on leaving a behaviour to a browser's undocumented heuristics that may change at any time. By the nature of heuristics, they are likely to be different in different browsers. In what way is that better than having authors specify the behaviours?

Because the heuristic is the behaviour that users of that browser will 
already know and expect. And currently, the browsers all behave the same 
way at the top level: setting focus as a result of a mouse action does 
not show the default focus outline (thus :focus-visible does not apply 
either), whereas focus as a result of a keyboard interaction does show 
the default focus outline (thus :focus-visible applies).

> Whatever the intent was, :focus-visible is making things tangibly worse and has made nothing better.

"Tangibly worse" requires some evidence here. Particularly since, again, 
:focus-visible does the exact same thing (applies in the exact same 
scenarios) as default vanilla browser behaviour. So...making it worse 
than what browsers have now been doing for the last 10+ years?

Patrick H. Lauke | | | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 10 July 2023 18:11:45 UTC