3.2.3. Consistent navigation in case side nav block is not present consistently acroos the web site


I would like to ask for clarification regarding SC 3.2.3 consistent
navigation. We are looking into websites where site top navigation bar
functions primarily as a set of links to other related pages and the
role of the side navigation is a main navigation (with the exception of
a home button, which is in the topnav). 

The problem is, there are parts of the website where this side bar is
not present. To me hiding it does not make much sense and I wold
consider it an exemplary violation of 3.2.3, however: 
 *  G61 does not seem to be violated, as the contents of the repeated
    block is in the same relative order, just one of the blocks is not
    visible (the top navigation is still visible)
 *  there might be cases where the main navigation is at the top (as
    expected) and the side navigation is changing, and in fact, might
    not be present at all if it would not contain any contents (page
    does not contain any semantic sub-blocks, page has a content of
    different nature than the rest of the site, such as interactive data
    element etc.)

So, even though "I feel" this is a violation of SC 3.2.3 I am having a
hard time pointing the exact sentence in Understanding or elsewhere that
I can use as a proof. Link to the website in question can be requested

Thank you very much for pointing me into the right direction,


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