Re: Question on animation in an advertisement box

Hi Kiran,

Great question. SC 2.2.2, Pause, Stop, Hide applies to any blinking, flashing, moving content where the movement lasts for more than 5 seconds, even content that is considered 'decorative'. There's really not a lot more to say about it than that. :)

The movement has the potential to be so distracting, with a strong possibility of causing physical reactions for some, that it's presence - regardless of context or 'importance' of the content - is the issue.

A 'really-nice-to-have' (but that will not make your automatically playing decorative animation conform with WCAG) would be to add prefers-reduced-motion [] to the element. This will stop the animation from playing at all when someone has this set on their system. The reason it is not considered a sufficient way to meet SC 2.2.2 is because many people don't know they can set their system this way, may be browsing on a public computer, and so on. However, it really helps the people who do use it, and isn't difficult to add.

I hope this provides some clarity.

Best regards,
On 9/8/2022 5:14:54 PM, Kiran <> wrote:
Hi all!

Hope you all are doing well. Really appreciated more information and guidance on animation from you all.
so we are building an animation for some ads (advertisements) where an ad containing a box would stay on the very right side of the page.
Ad itself is contained in the square box where the half portion of the box has static content while the other half portion of the ad box contains moving infinite loop animation which is only for decoration and does not overlap with the content in any way.

My question is: does this small box need a Pause, hide or stop button? OR can this be ignored completely? was wondering if any WCAG criteria I should be taking care of. (animation does not have any flash content which would cause seizures )

Thank you so much for your suggestions!


Received on Friday, 9 September 2022 14:10:57 UTC