RE: Question for form fields on mobile: to break out or not?

Curious to hear others thoughts on this, but what you are suggesting sounds like a wizard based approach which I think can be effective. Large forms can be quite daunting so I feel like this could be a great way to minimize cognitive overload and allow users to focus on the task at hand. My only suggestion would be to test the approach with users for efficacy before rolling out.

Chris O'Brien
Director of Accessibility
Legal and Litigation

OLG Internal
From: Jerri Zhang <>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2021 12:59 PM
Subject: Question for form fields on mobile: to break out or not?

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I've been trying to figure out whether or not it's against recommendations to break forms fields on mobile into separate screens. I think if my readings have been correct, forms ought to stay together on the same screen on desktop UI because a keyboard is often used for navigating through them for completion.

However, it's unclear whether that is applicable on mobile. Does the same behavior occur? Are there issues with having form fields broken out into multiple screens in a registration flow (ie: one input field per screen) even if there is a progress bar/indicator above? It's a common pattern I've seen in a lot of apps and would like some insight.



Jerri Zhang
Interactive Designer<>

Received on Monday, 18 October 2021 17:20:23 UTC