Re: aria-describedBy with aria-hidden=true


With one caveat, in several uses I have tested and not found aria-hidden to be a problem -- the text in the aria-hidden element is successfully read out.

I *did* find aria-labelledby read out reliably and aria-describdedby not read out, but that was not to do with aria-hidden, I think it was more to do with the "passive" nature (perhaps?) of aria-describedby versus aria-labelledby. In my setup, I did not hear content when aria-describedby was used and did hear it when I used aria-labelledby.

So far I have put that down to a difference in the way tags should work combined with my OS and most notably the screen reader I was using. But I still remain uncertain about the robustness of aria-describedby and for that reason invariably use aria-labelledby.


From: bryan rasmussen <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 4:35 AM
Subject: aria-describedBy with aria-hidden=true

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As I understand this
If I have an element with aria-describedBy id of other element, and
that other element has aria-hidden= true the description will still be
read correctly for the div with aria-describedBy? Is there any
commonly used browser + SR combo you know of where it doesn't work?

How about aria labels and the like inside of the aria-hidden element
that is being used to describe the other element - does anyone know of
scenarios where this doesn't work.

example would look something like this:
<div. aria-describedBy="test">text</div>
<div aria-hidden="true" id="test"><span aria-label="Some big
description">little</span><p>More cool stuff to read in the

Bryan Rasmussen

Received on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 11:28:12 UTC