Re: Developer support

On 21/07/2021 16:41, Ginger Claassen wrote:
> They just
> want to develop a new website and have it accessible from the get go

This sounds a bit like the thinking that leads to people buying 
accessibility tool bars, a concept that got a big thumbs down, on the 
list, recently.

The only way a library might be better, is that there might be mandatory 
parameters, that force things to be considered, or do some validation, 
on say colour contrasts. However they will still require people to think 

For example, if cognitive disability is one of the targeted 
disabilities, and all the text is written in marketing jargon, I don't 
think the library will detect that, and it certainly won't rewrite the 
text in plain language.

I think a library would be better as a productivity aid for people who 
are able to produce accessible sites from first principles, but is is 
not going to be a way of deskilling accessibility.

Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2021 19:51:21 UTC