Re: Is linktext a label?

Yes, a link text is a label

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Marc Haunschild

On 18. Sep 2020, at 12:50, Ms J <> wrote:

Thanks Marc

I totally agree that elements should be used in line with their semantic purpose. But it is so frequently not the case across different sites I see. So in the case where a link is not used as a link to a resource and instead implemented to have some functionality such as triggering content on the page, does that fail to meet name, role and value? Menu buttons for example are very often links with an aria-expanded and this seems to not cause too much of an issue to users? But then I also see components styled as buttons which are actually links and my argument would be that if it’s important enough to visually style as a button, then the context of the button role obviously assists in describing its purpose, so it should be a button.

Just to clarify, does linktext count as a label? I was just wondering if you could provide an example of when a link would it fail to meet headings and labels over link purpose or link only purpose?



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From: Marc Haunschild <>
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 10:26:40 AM
To: Ms J <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: Is linktext a label?

Hi Sarah,
In my opinion you summed up everything correctly.

Just one thing: a button is for actions, a link is a reference to another resource - so you can’t use a button for a download or a link to send a form.

Each html element has a meaning and semantics which should be respected.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Marc Haunschild

On 18. Sep 2020, at 09:47, Ms J <> wrote:


Labels are described as any text presented to users to enable them to identify the purpose of a component. Does this included link text?

I would have assumed that it does, especially since you can apply an aria-label to a link and it will override the link text...

So as I understand it -

If the link purpose is not determinable it’ll fail to meet A - link purpose

If the link purpose is not determinable from the link text alone it’ll fail to meet AAA - link only purpose

If the label doesn’t match the accessible name (aria-lable doesn’t match link text) it’ll fail to meet A - label in name

But reading headings and labels AA, this also suggests that labels should be descriptive of the component purpose. So if a site implements many buttons with the same label but different purposes (such as ‘download’) I guess it would fail to meet the AA level as screen reader users can’t determine the purpose of these out of context? But if these are implemented as links instead of buttons and the surrounding context makes it clear what the purpose of the component is, then even though it is the exact same behaviour, they only fail to meet the AAA standard for link only purpose? Or would it fail AA headings and labels?

Please can you clarify this for me so I can understand the guidance.



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Received on Friday, 18 September 2020 23:33:18 UTC