HTML5 canvas element - Scrawl-canvas JS library: seeking feedback

I have been developing a Javascript library - Scrawl-canvas - which has a
key aim to make the canvas element both more responsive and more accessible
for end users. The JS library is open-source, shared on GitHub - It also has a promotional site
which includes examples of Scrawl-canvas canvas elements on the landing
page -

To further develop the JS library I am looking for feedback and comments
from people and organisations who have far more in-depth knowledge than I
do concerning web accessibility, and using websites with accessibility
technology. In particular, I'm looking for advice on:

1. Accessibility issues surrounding HTML canvas elements which
Scrawl-canvas should address, but currently does not.

2. For those accessibility issues that Scrawl-canvas does attempt to
address, whether it meets requirements, or needs further work to achieve
best practice (and what that further work should be).

Any advice and/or criticisms will be very gratefully received! I will
ticket up any required actions on the library's GitHub issues page.

Previous message threads on wai-ig concerning canvas element and

Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2020 12:59:13 UTC