Looking for an Accesability Speaker for company in Czech Republic

Hello to everyone,

We're a development company based in Prague, Czech Republic, and we're excited to start including most of the accessibility standards in our projects.
However, we feel we could use a workshop, maybe a couple of days, aimed for the developers and testers, one part of it would be to look for specific scenarios we have faced.
We don't have any dates set up yet and are open to suggestions.
If you're interested we would love to hear from you.
Please respond off-list (that is, not to reply to the whole list but only to me individually).

Thank you to all
Daniel Saiz

Daniel Sáiz
Front-End Developer

ACTUM Digital
Plynární 1617/10 / 170 00 Praha 7 / Czech Republic
Reception +420 266 798 100

www.actumdigital.com<https://www.actumdigital.com/> - LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/actumdigital/> - Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/actumcz>

Certified partner of Sitecore, Kentico, Microsoft, Bloomreach, Adobe, Google, SAP
Certified ISO 9001 - ISO 20000 - ISO 27001

Received on Friday, 7 August 2020 15:13:52 UTC