Re: [External Sender] <ol start="3"> Is this accessible?

Then its a matter of presentation (CSS) not semantics (HTML).

Respect the separation of concerns principle and things will become much easier.

Flex box offers a easy way to make space between two elements when using margin: auto for example - in this gap you can place your add - although I still might not understand all aspects of your particular component, I think I would use something like this


With order you can rearrange the items and by putting the ad at the end you don’t interrupt the logical order

In a future redesign you won't need to touch the HTML - all changes can be made in the CSS (or SASS/LESS if you prefer to work with a preprocessor)


On 19. Nov 2019, at 18:58, Jeana Clark <<>> wrote:

Hi Patrick - Thanks for your comment.

The problem is we want to put an ad in the middle of a list - but not make it a list item. So sometimes if it’s a numbered list, we will close the list, insert the ad, and restart the list (hence start=“3” on the ol)


Jeana Clark
Creative Director

Tel: 847.607.8577<>

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On Nov 19, 2019, at 11:48 AM, Patrick H. Lauke <<>> wrote:

On 19/11/2019 17:12, Jeana Clark wrote:
Sometimes the lists were used as a design solution… writers wanted to make the content more ’scannable’, and they really aren’t list items. They’re just bulleted, indented paragraphs — those I can deal with with redesign.
But sometimes they are ‘lists’ as like, here are 5 treatments for your lower back pain.. but each ‘list item’ is a thorough multi-paragraphed description of the treatment, within a list item.

Even in those cases, you should be able to just stick them all in an <li>...</li> without the need for breaking up a list and starting it at a particular number later, unless I'm missing something.

Patrick H. Lauke<> | |<>
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2019 18:20:26 UTC