Re: Focus indicators for grouped controls

Patrick wrote:
> i'd still warn that it needs to clarify that it's only when interacting 
> with the keyboard, as otherwise, again, it invalidates/outlaws 
> :focus-visible and browser behavior / heuristics

Most of the areas we use 'focus' frame it as 'keyboard focus', so I don't think that's a big issue.

'Keyboard focus' is (in my mind) a sub-set of 'focus', which could be from any input.

SCs which don't frame it as keyboard focus are:
- Focus order (I don't think mouse/touch would count as sequential navigation);
- On focus (would need to explain the focus added by clicking is a by-product);
- Status messages (is in the context of AT focus).

Still thinking about "The point of interaction for the user’s input."

Happy to have other proposals...


Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2019 15:53:52 UTC