Re: Focus indicators for grouped controls

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for bringing it back to the list, twitter is good for short responses, not so much for this!

You mentioned defining focus explicitly, which is a good idea if it works!

My first thought was: "The point of interaction for the user’s input."

I'm really struggling to extend that without having to include every example under the sun.

Any ideas for improvement? 

 > there might indeed be two elements that do have focus at the same 
 > time (like combobox with listbox), and then there the requirement for
 >  the focus  indication does apply to both.
Is the second really a 'focus'? I think (in examples I have to hand [1]) that arrowing down is a selection mechanism, but the 'point of interaction' is still the input. Arrowing down acts to change the text in the input, it isn't a 'focus' as such.

A very nuanced point, but helps with my definition!


1] Apple native widgets, or 

Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2019 13:51:06 UTC