AIR deadline extended - accessible web sites for NPO projects

The AIR deadline is extended to Sept 16!  Cultural, NGO, and other non
commercially focused projects can still apply for the 2019 Accessibility
Internet Rally <> (AIR) - Knowbility's 20 year old,
award winning accessible web raising competition. More web dev teams than
projects have signed up to show off their accessible design skills. So if
you have a small to medium sized project that needs/wants an accessible
site, read on!

*What is AIR*: An annual web design competition. Web pros are trained in
accessible techniques. Teams are then assigned to a cultural of nonprofit
project or organization to make or improve a website. After six weeks of
working with their group, teams submit their finished project for judging
and prizes. Projects are accepted in three categories:
- General: For businesses, commercial services agencies, and individual
designers and developers
- Government: For state and federal agencies to submit their own internal
project and/or work with one of the AIR projects
- Students: For teams of computer science or web students to learn
accessibility skills
*Eligibility*: Nonprofit organizations, artists, musicians, school
projects, book clubs, neighbor groups  classroom info sites, etc. Basically
anything with cultural or public interest rather than solely commercial
*Application deadline*: September 16, 2019
*Registration fee*: $100 (if your project is accepted)

Detail from the link below or contact AIR Project Lead Jayne Cravens at
jcravens at knowbility dot org

Apply to have a team of web pros build an accessible website for your
project or organziation

Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2019 19:30:28 UTC