RE: links in aria-describedby

To Leonie’s reply.

Only if an element cannot be selected with a keyboard would it fail 2.1.1
Only if an element received keyboard focus but did not show any visible focus indication would it fail 2.4.7.

I’m not sure how these apply.

Please explain. 

Angela also just sent a more detailed description of her item in question.

Alan Smith

From: Léonie Watson
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 2:03 PM
To: Davis, Angela (ITS);
Subject: Re: links in aria-describedby

On 08/08/2019 10:03, Davis, Angela (ITS) wrote:
> If a link is in an aria-describedby what wcag 2.0 guide line would be 
> violated? I’m thinking it would violate 4.1.2
> Name, Role, Value Level A but I want to be sure.

I'm not sure it would fail anything, unless the aria-describedby content 
was hidden visually, in which case it would probably fail 2.1.1 
(Keyboard) and/or 2.4.7 (Focus Visible).

Director @TetraLogical

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2019 18:16:59 UTC