Re: WCAG v2.1 for mobile website evaluation

On 17/08/2018 15:06, Matt Elton wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I hope you can help me with a question I have been thinking about for a 
> while.
> The updated WCAG v2.1 guidelines seem to be device independent but I was 
> wondering if all the non-compliant issues would be discovered if someone 
> was to conduct an assessment of a mobile version of a responsive site 
> using just an iPhone (and VoiceOver). Is this sufficient or should the 
> desktop version also be assessed (using a desktop screen reader like 
> JAWS or NVDA).

Just testing on a mobile device (particularly an iOS device) won't let 
you test for various things like keyboard, pointer-related issues (for 
mouse-type pointers), text spacing, etc. If pressed for time, you *can* 
test on desktop (where you can resize the browser window to test for 
reflow/trigger the "mobile" (more accurately, "small-screen") version, 
use Developer Tools' device emulation modes, and to a limited extent 
test for touch-related functionality and possible motion (depending on 
the device/emulation used).

Ideally of course, you'd do the above, AND also verify on actual 
mobile/tablet devices.

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Friday, 17 August 2018 20:11:43 UTC