Re: Bold vs Strong

On 07/08/18 05:45, Phill Jenkins wrote:
> In my opinion there is no *semantic* difference between Bold and Strong, 
> it just that the term Bold and the element <b> *also* have a visual 
> style meaning implied, but not guaranteed.

This issue is basically the result of an early aberration in HTML 
resulting in B and I being introduced as presentational markup, in what 
was otherwise a semantic markup language.  Unfortunately, they will be 
impossible to dislodge as graphic designers think in terms of 
presentation not semantics, and screen reader developers go by trying to 
make the best of what is in the real world, so tend to reinforce 
misuses, and not support minority, but correct, use.

The HTML 1.2 definitions 
<> are:

   B                       Boldface, where available, otherwise
                          alternative mapping allowed.

   STRONG                  Stronger emphasis, typically bold.

where it is clear that B was only intended to have presentational semantics.

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2018 09:34:33 UTC