Re: Unicode character for CC symbol?

On 09/08/2017 02:11 AM, Nigel Megitt wrote:
> The obvious difference between all those video symbols and the CC button
> is the CC button has language-specific characters in. Coming at this
> problem from a different angle, a universal icon that doesn't have letters
> in it would be a Good Thing, and would work in the proposed scheme. I have
> seen such a thing, but I'm not sure how common it is.


I would really like a universal CC emblem.

There are universally recognized emblems for other things accessibility 

What organization(s) might be approached to consider creating such a symbol?

Also one thing I've noticed about FireFox that uses the glyph with the 
CC in it, it also uses that glyph for subtitles which are technically 
different than captions - and html5 recognizes that difference by having 
two different kind attributes on the track element.

There's also a descriptions kind.

It may be beneficial to try and come up three different glyphs to 
distinguish between those types of track elements that are universally 

Received on Sunday, 10 September 2017 07:26:54 UTC