Re: recommended attribute use in hierarchies?

> On Feb 5, 2017, at 18:09, Steve Faulkner <> wrote:
> test cases and browser/AT combination results would be needed in order
> to understand issues.

Indeed.  Would anyone be interested in crowd-sourcing the needed information?
I'd be happy to set up some wiki pages as a starting point (e.g., on GitHub)
and supply editing help to keep things organized.

# Details

The combinatorics of testing every possible configuration and test case could
easily become overwhelming.  Even tracking the results could be a challenge.
However, this shouldn't keep us from creating a useful starting point.

I would begin each page by describing a use case (e.g., navigating a tree of
list items), presenting some simple test cases, and giving results for the
AT configurations we have on hand.  Other interested parties could then add
their own results to the mix.

I have some raw material for this, based on two configurations that Amanda
Lacy (my blind collaborator) uses regularly:

- OS X, Safari, VoiceOver
- Windows, Firefox, NVDA

I'd be happy to set up some sample pages, if someone can suggest which wiki
(etc) would be most appropriate.


 --           Rich Morin     San Bruno, CA, USA   +1 650-873-7841

Software system design, development, and documentation

Received on Monday, 6 February 2017 17:48:21 UTC