Re: Libraries to build web pages.

Absolutely, I see companies are moving towards using libraries and plugins
rather than coding from scratch. So I completely agree that these
platforms/ frameworks / libraries have to provide accessibility out of the
box. Also, these tools should have ability to flag if there are
accessibility violations while inserting content.



Srinivasu Chakravarthula - Twitter:
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Let's create an inclusive web!

Lead Accessibility Consultant, Informatica
Hon. Joint Secretary, The National Association for the Blind, Karnataka

On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Sean Murphy (seanmmur) <>

> Team,
> From my point of view, development environments which include the
> libraries, bootstrap templates, code generators, etc are key focus areas to
> improve accessibility. Some articles I have reviewed on the net indicate
> web developers in the future will not need to have the level of development
> knowledge, but more design and business knowledge. Some of the tools I have
> used don’t include or even discuss accessibility in their environment. Thus
> the topic I am rasing is slightly left field and I am hoping people can
> help.
> UAAG from my reading is focusing on the browser, media players and
> plugins. Thus companies who develop libraries for web authors such as rich
> edit controls, toolbars, drop down (combo boxes), etc should follow the
> UAAG standards?
> Those vendors who create development environments which allow the author
> to build the web site without using any coding should be following the ATAG
> standards. If the tool is using libraries as previously described with the
> vendor develops. Then they should follow the UAAG standards as well?
> If I am correct in the above, what is peoples views on the best method of
> educating, encouraging or even using legal means to get these
> vendors/developers to start utilising the standards? As the end-user of the
> web product  only focuses on the organisation that is publishing the web
> content, not the tools or development environment.
> Is any one aware of any company including accessibility in their contracts
> with vendors who provide the development environment?
> AS some of the tools and libraries people use for development is open
> source. How does legal laws like the ADA or section 508 apply here? As from
> my understanding open source and like projects are not owned by anyone.
> Thus getting these groups of people to follow the accessibility standards
> is nearly impossible. Especially if you are not a coder to assist with the
> project.
> I just see this as a big area of concern which I don’t see major
> improvements. If the development environment which builds the web product
> was accessible or supported the standards. Then I think a lot of the issues
> would be addressed.
> Sean Murphy

Received on Friday, 6 January 2017 05:11:41 UTC