RE: PDF14 Running headers and footers

Thank you David, I read your article but I still have some questions.

You say: We will need to update WCAG PDF14 to ensure it is clear that headers and footers will become artifacts and that the information needs to be available through other means.

PDF14 states: The objective of this technique is to help users locate themselves in a document by providing running headers and footers via pagination artifacts.

How would this technique accomplish this if the information in headers/footers that is marked as an artifact is invisible to screenreader users?

And what is your opinion about the fail in the eiii pdf checker ( ? How should one interpret this in the light of the above? Is it a real fail for PDF documents? And is it a problem if some text in the header/footer is marked as an artifact in InDesign but not as a header/footer subtype (assuming the important information in this text is also added to the main text on the front page).



Van: David MacDonald [] 
Verzonden: dinsdag 4 april 2017 15:51
Aan: Vlerken-Thonen, M. van (Michèlle) - Logius
Onderwerp: Re: PDF14 Running headers and footers

David MacDonald
CanAdapt Solutions Inc.
Tel:  613.235.4902
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On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 5:48 AM, Vlerken-Thonen, M. van (Michèlle) - Logius <> wrote:
The PDF checker at often returns the following result:
Fail: running headers and footers. Running headers and footers are not provided or running headers and footers provided are inconsistent with the section headers.
However, PDF14 is only an advisory technique for 3.2.3. 
Therefore I wonder what the importance of this technique is for PDF files. Do running headers and footers always have to be present? And is it a problem if some text in the header/footer is marked as an artifact in InDesign but not as a header/footer (assuming the important information in this text is also added to the main text on the front page).
Thanks for any insights.

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