Re: PDF14 Running headers and footers

David MacDonald

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On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 5:48 AM, Vlerken-Thonen, M. van (Michèlle) - Logius <> wrote:

> The PDF checker at often returns the
> following result:
> Fail: running headers and footers. Running headers and footers are not
> provided or running headers and footers provided are inconsistent with the
> section headers.
> However, PDF14 is only an advisory technique for 3.2.3.
> Therefore I wonder what the importance of this technique is for PDF files.
> Do running headers and footers always have to be present? And is it a
> problem if some text in the header/footer is marked as an artifact in
> InDesign but not as a header/footer (assuming the important information in
> this text is also added to the main text on the front page).
> Thanks for any insights.
> Michèlle
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Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2017 13:51:37 UTC