Creating personas for WAI site redesign

Greetings all,

The EOWG has created a Task Force to re-design the WAI web site. Our first
challenge is understanding who we are building this for.  If you would like
to contribute your data to the construction of a few personas that will
guide our effort, please take this (sorry rather long) survey.

As important and maybe even more important is to collect data from web
professionals who do not yet participate in WAI and who may be unaware of
web accessibility and the WAI guidelines and supports.  To that end, please
spread the word about the survey to people who may not be accessibility

...and please let folks know as well that there is a drawing for a $100
gift card for anyone who completes the survey and wants to leave contact

Thanks for your help.


Sharron Rush
EOWG co-chair,
participant in redesign TF

Received on Monday, 13 June 2016 20:50:13 UTC