- From: Phill Jenkins <pjenkins@us.ibm.com>
- Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 12:58:52 -0600
- To: Jeanne Spellman <jeanne@w3.org>, public-uaag2-comments@w3.org
- Cc: Judy Brewer <jbrewer@w3.org>, Jim Allan <jimallan@tsbvi.edu>, WAI Interest Group <w3c-wai-ig@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <OFA96E40A4.AACD7AB7-ON86257F1D.00664578-86257F1D.00684731@us.ibm.com>
"UAAG 2.0 is complete." Yay! "UAAG 2.0 is still needed and relevant" agree absolutely! "While many of the UAAG 2.0 features are supported in individual browsers, there is a need for more consistent and reliable support for accessibility features across all browsers and user agents." Is the "Related Resources for Success Criterion x.y.z" such a "supported feature"? Is there a consolidated list of all the Related Resources (features)? e.g. <div class="implementing-section"> For example, most browsers implement Zoom. For Example, Related Resources for Success Criterion 1.1.1: Firefox extension "Text Equivalent Expand Abbreviations" ____________________________________________ Regards, Phill Jenkins, IBM Accessibility From: Jeanne Spellman <jeanne@w3.org> To: WAI Interest Group <w3c-wai-ig@w3.org> Cc: Jim Allan <jimallan@tsbvi.edu>, Judy Brewer <jbrewer@w3.org> Date: 12/15/2015 03:23 PM Subject: UAAG 2.0 and UAAG 2.0 Reference published as W3C Working Group Notes Dear WAI Interest Group Participants, The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (UAWG) has published User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG 2.0) and UAAG 2.0 Reference as W3C Working Group Notes. http://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG20/ http://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG20-Reference/ UAAG 2.0 is complete. It provides specific guidance for browsers and other user agents, and reference information for accessibility professionals. The UAWG has identified implementations of the features ("success criteria") of UAAG 2.0, demonstrating that it is possible to implement the UAAG 2.0 success criteria. The threshold for a specification becoming a formal W3C Recommendation ordinarily involves extensive formal testing of implementations of each success criteria across multiple user agents -- which in the case of UAAG 2.0 would have required manual testing of many browser user interfaces. Sufficient testing resources were not available for this level of testing. W3C does not currently plan to advance UAAG 2.0 to Recommendation status. W3C plans to include user agent accessibility considerations in future accessibility guidelines work. UAAG 2.0 is still needed and relevant, and may be increasingly relevant in the future. The work of the current task forces for Mobile Accessibility and Low Vision Accessibility show the importance of combined consideration of content, user interface, extensions, applications and user agents. While many of the UAAG 2.0 features are supported in individual browsers, there is a need for more consistent and reliable support for accessibility features across all browsers and user agents. UAAG 2.0 provides specific accessibility guidance for user agent developers who want to build a better user experience for all. Comments: Comments on the Notes can be sent to public-uaag2-comments@w3.org (Public Archive). Although the UAAG working group is closing and will not respond, comments can provide useful input for future work in this area. Background: UAAG 2.0 defines how browsers, browser extensions, media players, readers, and other "user agents" should support accessibility for people with disabilities and work with assistive technologies. UAAG 2.0 Reference provides additional information about the guidelines and success criteria, including intent, examples, and resources. For more information on UAAG and other standards from the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), see: * UAAG Overview <http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/uaag.php> * WAI Guidelines and Techniques <http://www.w3.org/WAI/guid-tech.html> * User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (UAWG) <http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/> URI: The first URI above goes to the latest version of the document. The "dated" version of this draft is: <http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/NOTE-UAAG20-20151215/> The difference between these URIs are explained in Referencing and Linking to WAI Guidelines and Technical Documents at: <http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/linking.html> Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your comments. Feel free to circulate this message to other lists; please avoid cross-postings where possible. Regards, Jim Allan, UAWG Chair Jeanne Spellman, UAWG W3C Staff Contact Judy Brewer, WAI Director
Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2015 18:59:32 UTC