Re: SC 1.3.1 and virtual columns

I thought on one way this example could be a violation. If content referred
other content in "column 3". That would not be programmatically determined.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Sean Murphy (seanmmur) <>

> is this the navigation order or the flow of reading? When jumping from the
> right column to the 1st column, is the flow of the eadis being broken
> thus the content doesn’t make any sense? If the navigation order is broken,
> then this is a concern.
> Regards,
> Sean Murphy
> *From:* Oscar Cao []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 9 December 2015 2:16 PM
> *To:* Phill Jenkins; Jonathan Avila;
> *Subject:* RE: SC 1.3.1 and virtual columns
> Thank you all for your feedback.
> I've decided it's not in violation of 1.3.1 (although I still feel the
> positioning of the content should have some value. Even if it's not
> explicitly referred to in the content.)
> However, I have reached another dilemma and that is, the focusing order
> (2.4.3 - if memory serves me right). The default focus order is from top to
> bottom. So here, we suddenly jump to the top of the right hand column and
> then go back to the first column.
> I could understand if it was the contents to the page. But if it's just
> another chunk of content, is this jumping considered OK?
> Regards
> Oscar
> Sent from Outlook Mobile <>
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 6:05 PM -0800, "Jonathan Avila" <
>> wrote:
> Ø  Your code does fail 1.3.2 *- Meaningful Sequence*
> Phil, if the order of the content is not relevant to its understanding and
> provides comparable access I don’t see why example 2 cited below your
> referenced example 1 would not apply and allow this to pass.
> *Example 2:* CSS is used to position a navigation bar, the main story on
> a page, and a side story. The visual presentation of the sections does not
> match the programmatically determined order, but the meaning of the page
> does not depend on the order of the sections.
> Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Avila
> Chief Accessibility Officer
> SSB BART Group
> 703-637-8957 (o)
> Follow us: Facebook <> | Twitter
> <> | LinkedIn
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> *From:* Phill Jenkins [ <>]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 08, 2015 6:47 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: SC 1.3.1 and virtual columns
> Your code does fail 1.3.2 *- Meaningful Sequence*
> *Examples of Success Criterion 1.3.2*
>    - *Example 1:* In a multi-column document, the linear presentation of
>    the content flows from the top of a column to the bottom of the column,
>    then to the top of the next column.
> Regarding your question about applicability of SC 1.3.1 - Info and
> Relationships: Information, structure
> <>,
> and relationships
> <>
> conveyed through presentation
> <>
> can be programmatically determined
> <>
> or are available in text
> I do not think SC 1.3.1 always applies in your example description.  It
> would if there were headings at the top of each colum that were not marked
> as headings, or regions (landmarks) if the purpose of each column was
> conveyed some other way.  However, SC 1.3.1 would apply if the information
> in the column is referred to in the text by its column position
> (realtionship to the other columns) - for example, if someone had to do
> something with xyz in column 3, how would the AT user be able to determine
> that without sight? The AT would only know there are DIV's, not columns.
> There would have to be a heading or label or something like that  that is
> redundant with the visual positioning.  E.g. "do something with xyz in the
> Highlights section in column 3... If the information is not referred to
> by it relationship (e.g.column 3), then SC 1.3.1 is not applicable in my
> opinion.
> Another example is where a 3 column layout transfroms to a single column
> layout when going from desktop view to smartphone view and there is no loss
> in information relationship needed to use the app.
> ____________________________________________
> Regards,
> Phill Jenkins,
> IBM Accessibility
> From:        Oscar Cao <>
> To:        <>
> Date:        12/08/2015 03:53 PM
> Subject:        SC 1.3.1 and virtual columns
> ------------------------------
> Hello fellow interest group members.
> I would like to know what the interest group’s views/opinions are in
> regards to SC 1.3.1 and the following scenario.
> The page has a three column layout (not created using tables). There’s a
> ‘box container of information’, it has been positioned via CSS to appear in
> the virtual third column. However, in the source code, it sits at the very
> start of the content section, see code below:
> <section>
> <div class=”box”>
> <!-- box container of information -->
> </div>
> <div class=”column”>
> <!-- column one -->
> </div>
> <div class=”column”>
> <!-- column two -->
> </div>
> <div class=”column”>
> <!-- column three -->
> </div>
> </section>
> The box container information is self-contained and will make sense
> wherever you place it. Thus, I didn’t bring up SC 1.3.2 (that talks about
> sequence). However, I am unsure if the positioning of the box information
> breaks SC 1.3.1. in regards to not being able to programmatically determine
> the visual position/location of the box container. Sighted users see it in
> column three, while AT users see it as the first thing.
> Regards
> Oscar

Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2015 05:36:57 UTC