Creating a tagged is just the first step to creating an accessible PDF. It needs to be verified and often tweaked in a repair tool like Adobe Acrobat or CommonLook. This part remains tricky.
I wish it weren't true, because many people want to just use a PDF.
Elizabeth J. Pyatt, Ph.D.
Sent from my iPad
> On Jan 24, 2015, at 7:02 AM, Olaf Drümmer <> wrote:
>> On 24 Jan 2015, at 07:31, Wayne Dick <> wrote:
>> 3. Educate faculty to the need to preparing accessible content. Teaching accessible use of their word processor is most effective.
> there is one thing I always fail to get:
> - I think it is a fair assumption that faculty tend to use a word processor to prepare papers for their courses
> - typical word processors are let's say OpenOffice/LibreOffice Writer or Microsoft Word
> - in this context, there are at least the following ways to provide those papers in electronic form:
> [1] as a word processor file (and share via email or web site)
> [2] exported to [tagged] PDF (and share via email or web site)
> [3] exported to HTML (and share via email or web site)
> Now, which of these work well?
> [1] and [2] would work easily for the author and the student. [3] I simply do not know how to do it such that it works well for both sides, word processor documents and HTML to me seem to be from different universes. But maybe I am missing something here? [I can easily proven to be wrong, just send me a non-trivial paper in HTML, exported from a typical word processor…]
> Olaf