ID24 - 24 free online accessibility talks

Hello WAI IG,


Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24) celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day
(#GAAD) with 24 hours of free online accessibility talks. 


The first ID24 talk is at 12am GMT tonight (as the sun rises on GAAD in New
Zealand). ID24 then chases the sun around the world, with talks from people
in countries including Australia, Japan, America, Canada and the UK. The
ID24 website will automatically convert the schedule into your local time


With thanks to Adobe, ID24 will be hosted on Adobe Connect. No registration
is necessary, just go to the ID24 website to find out how to join.


We’ll be tracking the #ID24 hashtag throughout the event, so please tweet
your questions, comments and contributions, and help us keep the ID24
conversation open and inclusive. Thanks.






Léonie Watson - Senior accessibility engineer

@LeonieWatson @PacielloGroup


Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 13:28:49 UTC