Re: Line styes or patterns in addition to color

Or you could use the legend to activate or disable the color of the lines. 
This way, you don't loose the overview. The user can highlight a line (activate the color) or make it grey (disable the color) if it's not relevant. 
I would definitely like to use an online map of the London tube like that, or Brussels in my case.
It reduces the cognitive load, so it helps everybody, not only folks with a color deficiency. 


> On 25 Nov 2014, at 10:10, Gijs Veyfeyken <> wrote:
> Provide a legend with checkboxes that shows or hides the lines? 
> When certain combinations of color get confusing, the user can simplify the view by hiding some lines. 
> And it would be a nice feature for all users. The underground map for example is overwhelming.
> Kind regards,
> Gijs
> ---
> Gijs Veyfeyken
> AnySurfer - towards an accessible internet
> <>
> Brussels - Belgium
>> On 25 Nov 2014, at 00:02, Phill Jenkins < <>> wrote:
>> Yes I have a table of the data and relationships noted in cells as an alternative for users who are blind, but that doesn't solve the problem for the low vision and color-blind users in my opinion. 
>> Yes breaking up the images / connections would simplify, but that defeats the purpose of this "complex diagram" at a glance objective. 
>> ____________________________________________
>> Regards,
>> Phill Jenkins, 
>> From:        Madeleine Rothberg < <>> 
>> To:        Phill Jenkins/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, W3C WAI Interest Group < <>> 
>> Date:        11/24/2014 03:32 PM 
>> Subject:        Re: Line styes or patterns in addition to color 
>> Phill, 
>> I would suggest breaking the diagram down into several separate diagrams, each capturing one of the groupings. It might not be as efficient but it will be comprehensible. It might also be useful to have a set of nested lists, in addition to the a graphical presentation. That would be necessary anyway for a blind user. 
>> -Madeleine 
>> From: Phill Jenkins < <>>
>> Date: Monday, November 24, 2014 4:21 PM
>> To: Post WAI list < <>>
>> Subject: Line styes or patterns in addition to color
>> Resent-From: Post WAI list < <>>
>> Resent-Date: Monday, November 24, 2014 4:22 PM 
>> Do you have any examples or references for the following:
>> 1. I have a group of boxes and they need to be related 10 different ways with line connectors.  For example, one top box is an international collection of the sub boxes connected to it.  Another top box is only a local collection of sub boxes connected to it.  So the color and line type is different showing a different relationship; international verses local, etc.  I have 10 different ways these boxes are related: international, local, North America, South America, European only, Africa, etc.   
>> 2. Each connector (relationship line) also has 4 or more different states or status: Suspended, Active, Future, and Expired, etc.
>> I was thinking of using the dash and dotted line styles to represent the states, such as 
>>        Dotted for Suspended 
>>        Dashed for Expired 
>>        Solid for Active 
>>        Dashed + Dotted for Future 
>>        etc. 
>> I was thinking of line type or pattern to represent the 10 different ways the boxes could relate / connect, such as 
>>        Single for Local 
>>        Double for Multiple states 
>>        Triple for International 
>>        Squiggly for North America 
>>        Wavy for European, 
>>        Thick plus thin 
>>        etc. 
>> Does anyone know of a set of more than 10 line type / style examples that meet the "Success Criteria 1.4.1 <> Use of color:  Do not use color as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element."? and also work when CSS is turned off when in Windows High Contrast Mode?
>> References: 
>>        4 Line types in PowerPoint: Single, Double, Triple, Single bold with a single thin, and Single thin with a single bold.
>>        7 Line styles (dashed) in PowerPoint:  Round dot, Square dot, Dashed, Dash dot, Long dash, Long Dash Dot, and Long Dash Dot Dot. 
>>        Tricks with CSS: <>hrs <>/ <>
>> A classic example of the "Use of Color Alone" issue:
>> A good example is a map of London Underground where the routes are distinguished only in color. For users who have color-blind impairments (about 10% of males and 5% of females) it is very hard to differentiate one route from another, that is why it’s very important to use another means to define those routes. Also, users with full color perception also interpret colors differently. Color is a matter of perception that is why you will not be able to make everyone see (be able to reference) the same colors as you see them (e.g. which blue line, sky blue or the light blue line?). 
>> London Underground map: 
>> The above is a classic description of the issue - but there are no examples (that I could find) on how best to solve (design) a solution for the London Underground!  Sure we could describe a simple solution for 5 or six line types, you know: dotted, dashed, solid, double thin, etc., but for my complex example above, I need 10 line types and 4 or more line styles to communicate the relationship without using color alone.
>> and ALSO work when CSS is turned off when in Windows High Contrast Mode!
>> Your ideas are welcomed. 
>> ____________________________________________
>> Regards,
>> Phill Jenkins, 
>> Senior Engineer & Business Development Executive
>> IBM Accessibility
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> <> 
>> [attachment "ATT00001.gif" deleted by Phill Jenkins/Austin/IBM] 

Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 09:50:38 UTC