Re: For you: A webpage that is 100% accessible to all people around the world, regardless of nationality or disability or Assistive Technology


This can’t be right.  At no point have you even considered the
reradicating, octally repeating, sesquidecimated equinox factor.  Once
considered, the accessibility percentage should round nicely to 97.82.



On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Bryan Garaventa <> wrote:

> Recently, somebody asked me to show them a website that was 100%
> accessible, so I figured it would make a good experiment. Sort of a thought
> experiment I guess...
> So I built a webpage that is 100% accessible to all people in the world
> equally, regardless of nationality, disability type, or Assistive
> Technology used.
> Enjoy! It's available at
> Happy testing.
> With this 100% accessible baseline to start from, the accessibility
> percentage for all web technologies everywhere, scales downward to account
> for requisite variables, so that no web technology anywhere can be 100%
> accessible as a result.
> To demonstrate this, I also wrote the following algorithm, that calculates
> the general percentage of accessibility for any given web technology.
> X = (1 * Disability-Type * Browser-AT * Site-Interactivity *
> Site-Complexity * User-Experience)
> P = (Hardware * ((((1 * OS-AT) - X) * Accessibility-Level) + X)) * 100
> P is the general Percentage of accessibility calculated for a particular
> website or web technology feature, which is based on the following
> estimated values for each variable in the formula.
> Disability-Type
> 0.01: Deaf-Blind + Motor-Impaired
> 0.1: Deaf-Blind
> 0.2: Deaf + Motor-Impaired
> 0.3: Blind + Motor-Impaired
> 0.4: Partially Sighted + Motor-Impaired
> 0.5: Motor-Impaired
> 0.6: Blind
> 0.7: Deaf + Partially Sighted
> 0.8: Partially Sighted
> 0.9: Deaf
> Browser-AT
> 1: No AT
> 0.98: Internet Explorer + JAWS
> 0.93: Internet Explorer + NVDA
> 0.95: Firefox + JAWS
> 0.98: Firefox + NVDA
> 0.95: Safari + VoiceOver
> 0.6: Chrome + JAWS
> 0.7: Chrome + NVDA
> 0.95: Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome + Dragon
> 0.98: Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome + ZoomText
> 0.9: Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome or Safari + Braille Display
> Site-Interactivity
> 1: Contains All Static Elements
> 0.9: Contains Interactive Features
> Site-Complexity
> 1: Simple
> 0.95: Medium
> 0.9: Complex
> User-Experience
> 1: Advanced
> 0.95: Intermediate
> 0.9: Beginner
> Hardware
> 0: None
> 1: Computer
> 0.001: No AT
> 0.99: Windows + JAWS
> 0.99: Windows + NVDA
> 0.99: Windows + Dragon
> 0.99: Windows + ZoomText
> 0.99: iOS + VoiceOver
> 0.99: OS X + VoiceOver
> 0.9: Windows or iOS or OS X + Braille Display
> Accessibility-Level
> 0.98: Fully Keyboard Accessible + ARIA Standards Compliant (when
> applicable) + WCAG Compliant
> 0.3: Fully Keyboard Accessible + ARIA Standards Compliant (when
> applicable) but not WCAG Compliant
> 0.3: Fully Keyboard Accessible but not ARIA Standards Compliant (when
> applicable) + WCAG Compliant
> 0.2: Fully Keyboard Accessible but not ARIA Standards Compliant (when
> applicable) nor WCAG Compliant
> 0.1: ARIA Standards Compliant (when applicable) but not Fully Keyboard
> Accessible nor WCAG Compliant
> 0.01: Neither Fully Keyboard Accessible nor ARIA Standards Compliant (when
> applicable) nor WCAG Compliant
> (More constants can always be added or adjusted)
> For example:
> (1 * .6 * .95 * .9 * .9 * .9) = 0.41553
> (1 * ((((1 * 0.99) - 0.41553) * .98) + 0.41553)) * 100 = 97.85106
> So roughly calculated, a Blind person(.6) using Safari+VoiceOver(.95)
> accessing a website that Contains Interactive Features(.9) that is
> Complex(.9) when the user is a Beginner(.9),
> in combination with Hardware(1) that includes iOS+VoiceOver(.99), upon a
> website that is
> Fully Keyboard Accessible + ARIA Standards Compliant (when applicable) +
> WCAG Compliant(.98), will have a general accessibility Percentage of 97.8.
> Like I said, these are just estimates, but I thought it would make an
> interesting experiment.
> Best wishes,
> Bryan

Received on Thursday, 14 August 2014 20:18:29 UTC