Re: What are these "many applications" ??

See if these results with IE 8, IE 10, Firefox 19, and JAWS 13 help (could
vary with different Browser and AT combinations):

IE 8:
1. Truncates the value of the title element at 95 characters.
2. JAWS 13 truncates it at 95 characters.

IE 10:
1. Truncates the value of the title element at 127 characters. However,
unlike IE 8 that displays it in the title bar, IE 10 reveals it on a mouse
2. JAWS 13 truncates it at 95 characters.

Firefox 19:
1. Truncates the value of the title element at 219 characters.
2. JAWS 13 does not seem to truncate at all. JAWS 13 coolly read a 1500
character limit page title. That does not mean lengthy page titles are okay.

I am not sure if 64 is an ideal limit. You may settle on 95 characters,
especially if visible and spoken parts are to be conveyed. To decide on an
upper limit, test on other Browser / AT combinations. As suggested by
others, be succinct and front-load the page title by putting distinguishing
information in the beginning.


On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 2:00 AM, Ganesh J. Acharya <
> wrote:

> It's written "The title should ideally be less than 64 characters in
> length. That is, many applications will display document titles in window
> titles, menus, etc where there is only limited room."
> So what are these "many applications" to consider??
> The browse tabs today any way start reducing with size as soon as we start
> opening more pages... and even the 64 starts to look bigger and the
> complete title hardly appear any more... menu items are never as long as 64
> characters.
> So, what is applicable considering the current perspective.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Ganesh J. Acharya

Received on Friday, 1 November 2013 15:43:38 UTC