Question- Headers in <figure> & <details> (Techniques for providing useful text alternatives)

If I understand well, the headers structure in the figure, details
elements is separate and does not belong to the structure of the page. 
However, I wouldn't prefer to have many H1 in one page, For instance: 
How would be the order of the headers in Example 2.4 
if the longer text alternative contains headers? 
page content...
<h2>Power sources</h2>
<h3>Electrical Power Sources</h3>
     <figure role="group">
     <figcapion> Non-Functioning Lamps</figcaption>
     <img src="flowchart.gif" alt="A flowchart process - Dealing with
non-functioning Fluorescent lamp and Discharge lamp.">
     <summary><strong>Dealing with non-functioning Fluorescent lamp and
Discharge lamp</strong> </summary>
     <h??> Fluorescent lamp</h??>
     <p><strong>If the lamp doesn't work:</strong></p>
      <li>Check if it's plugged in, if not, plug it in.</li>
      <li>If it still doesn't work; check if the bulb is burned out.
      If it is, replace the bulb.</li>
      <li>If it still doesn't work; buy a new lamp.</li>
     <h??> Discharge lamp</h??>
     <p><strong>If the lamp doesn't work:</strong></p>
      <li>Check if it's plugged in, if not, plug it in.</li>
      <li>If it still doesn't work; check if the bulb is burned out.
      If it is, replace the bulb.</li>
      <li>If it still doesn't work; buy a new lamp.</li>
<h2>Natural power sources</h2> of the page
Thank you,
Rabab Gomaa

Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 16:51:09 UTC