Re: Is it a good practice to put <article>s inside <li>s?

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 11:15 PM, Userite <> wrote:
> Hi,
> My understanding of the purpose of the list element is to collect together a
> group or related items (such as phrases, prices, book titles etc.) that
> makes sense within the group context (list) but would not necessarily do so
> alone without additional explanatory text (i.e. include within a
> sentence/article). When my screen-reader announces a list I expect to hear a
> series of short punchy statements, or even just single words, each preceded
> by the announcement of a list item (preferably numbered).  If I heard
> "region" or (in the future) "article"  it would make me think I have missed
> the end of the list. I have not experienced it first hand - but I can
> imagine the confusion!
> An article is a stand-alone object, a list item is always part of a
> sequence.  An article has some sense even when read out of context (see
> ). Groups of articles can be
> grouped together using the appropriate heading element.  There is therefore
> no reason to group articles using the list element (more appropriate methods
> exist). It is certainly not logical and I am sure it is not semantically
> correct.
> Richard

Hi Richard,

Thank you :) That's well explained and makes sense. I decided to
abandon the list structure.

Ian Yang

Received on Thursday, 2 May 2013 01:23:17 UTC