Re: Is it a good practice to put <article>s inside <li>s?

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Gunderson, Jon R <> wrote:
> I would NOT recommend putting <article> inside an <li> element.
> I recommended you add a role="reigon" and aria-labelledby attributes to the <article> element to give each article an accessible name and make sure it is a part of landmark navigation:

Hi Gunderson,

I appreciate your help. However, I take HTML semantics seriously, so I
think elements SHOULD be put inside <li>s if they are apparently a
list of items. Could you let me know your concern about not doing

And could you let me know what are the benefits of using role="reigon"
and aria-labelledby on these <article> elements?

Kind Regards,
Ian Yang

Received on Wednesday, 1 May 2013 14:17:00 UTC