RE: Is it a good practice to put <article>s inside <li>s?


I would NOT recommend putting <article> inside an <li> element.

I recommended you add a role="reigon" and aria-labelledby attributes to the <article> element to give each article an accessible name and make sure it is a part of landmark navigation:

<div role="main">

<article role="region" aria-labelledby="a1">

<h2 id="a1>Title of article 1 ...</h2>

<p>Content of article 1©


<article role="region" aria-labelledby="a2">

<h2 id="a2>Title article 2 ©.</h2>

<p>Content of article 2©.


Here is the current information on HTML5 mappings:


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Yang [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 10:07 PM
To: Gunderson, Jon R
Subject: Re: Is it a good practice to put <article>s inside <li>s?

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 10:05 PM, Gunderson, Jon R <> wrote:
> Article will probably at some point will be a landmark in HTML5, so it 
> would be better NOT to put them in a list, but inside a main landmark.
> Give each article a role="region" and a label to support landmark 
> navigation.  The role="region" will make them part of the landmark 
> navigation in current assistive technologies.

Hi Gunderson,

Thanks for the info. It's surprising that <article> element will probably at some point become a landmark. Which editor in the working group made that decision?

Given the <article> element will never become a landmark, is it a good practice to put it inside of <li>?

Kind Regards,
Ian Yang

Received on Wednesday, 1 May 2013 13:27:29 UTC