Re: Text-to-speech feature: a real help ?

Patrick - I'm still trying to get the BBC to release the My Web My Way resources in a way other sites can embed, and now from the outside.

They're not budging at the moment, but I'm still trying...

And, the frustrating thing about My Web My Way is that feedback from disabled people says it's still too difficult to install ATs or do settings in their browsers, even with simple documentation and the sort of videos we put on MWMW recently... :-(

So teaching people to fish is fine, but we still haven't found a way of doing that in a way which our target audience of disabled and older people finds appropriate...


 From: Patrick H. Lauke <>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 February 2012, 16:49
Subject: Re: Text-to-speech feature: a real help ?
On 21/02/2012 16:37, David Best wrote:
> For those users
> that have user browser agent tools, there is little value, but for those
> that do not and have less experience in navigation, might consider it a
> helpful feature.

Give a man a fish...

Wondering if it would be more helpful to point them to some resource that lists available tools for them, to make browsing on ALL sites better suited for them. I remember hassling Jonathan (heh) about making the MyWebMyWay resources independent of the BBC site back in his days there ... I've not kept up with it, but I wonder if there's a similar resource (not attached to an existing web property) that could be linked to?

-- Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2012 18:18:56 UTC