Re: Accessible styled input type="file" and select boxes

Marc wrote: About the subject of this mail: input elements with the
type "file" and select boxes are dificult to style. Of course there
are many solutions out there, combining css, javascript and other HTML
elements. Most of them have accessibility issues. As a matter of fact,
I do not know, which technique to use. And I have tested really a lot
of these solutions...

Does anybody has a personal favorite technique?

>>Hi Marc – You raise an interesting point. As I know this, the <input type = “file”> adds a text field and an upload button combination, and when you run a screen reader like JAWS, it identifies these as ’edit’ and ‘button’ type fields. I think it becomes an issue when both the controls share the same title attribute.
To address this issue, a descriptive title, like ‘Type location or Tab
to upload the file,’ can account for both the controls, and alleviate
this concern. One can disagree on the wording of the title, but the
point is to help a screen reader user navigate multiple file field
controls using descriptive titles. On a related note, screen reader
settings (JAWS, which I use) did not affect the verbosity of the input
file type field when I tested – meaning the title will voice
regardless of a change in settings, which is good.
Furthermore, am not sure what you imply by ‘accessible styled’ in your
subject line. Do we not consider styling as a separate layer for best

Thanks, Devarshi

Received on Friday, 13 January 2012 08:31:48 UTC