DataTables Javascript module and accessibility

Hello all,

I'm the author of an Javascript based HTML table "enhancing" plug-in for jQuery called DataTables (  ). I'm interested in increasing the accessibility of the module, and it's various controls using WAI-ARIA.

Although I am a Javascript developer and know some of the basics of accessibility, I'm not certain what should be implemented in order to make the accessibility features actually useful. I'm sure I could just stick some WAI-ARIA attributes into DataTables and call it done, but I would be worried about hindering more than helping, which isn't what I want to achieve!

Is there a list of consultants / freelancers maintained who know ARIA well and might be open to discussing this with me to provide some guidance? More generally, are there any recommendations for how a Javascript module might be tested for accessibility once suitable attributes are added?

Many thanks,

Allan Jardine
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Received on Monday, 18 April 2011 18:46:10 UTC