WCAG2 - 1.4.1 - resizing

I'm a bit confused about the sufficient techniques and failures to meet this criterion

So I have a page that will meet the one of the sufficient techniques:

"2. Ensuring that text containers resize when the text resizes AND using measurements that are relative to other measurements in the content by using one or more of the following techniques:"


By using 

Techniques for relative measurements:

*C12: Using percent for font sizes (CSS)
*C13: Using named font sizes (CSS)
*C14: Using em units for font sizes (CSS)

But it would fail for 

F69: Failure of Success Criterion 1.4.4 when resizing visually rendered text up to 200 percent causes the text, image or controls to be clipped, truncated or obscured

But in the documentation is states:

"Any of the listed sufficient techniques can be used to meet the success criterion"

So in this scenario it will meet one of sufficient techniques (as mentioned above) but it also meets the common failure F69 

So can both occur?

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 16:23:46 UTC