Re: SV: Color coding

I think we need to ask the questions - is the issues with 
        a.) the user agent I'm using or 
        b.) is the issues with the developer's coding, 
        c.) or is the issue with the end user's configuration and/or 

We need to stop trying to place ALL the requirements on the developer and 
start placing the appropriate requirement on the browsers and AT's and on 
the end users.  Remember that this is a shared responsibility between the 
developers of the web sites, the browsers + AT, and the end users.  WCAG 
2.0 should work in concert with UAAG 2.0 for example. 

In this specific example, the coding alone can & should tell the user 
agent that a new window will open. Adding an icon is a nice fall back 
method for older browsers.  adding some event when the mouse hovers of the 
keyboard gets focus is another fall back method for older browsers.  And 
we need to remember that end users need some training and help to 
configure the new features that will benefit them.
Phill Jenkins, 

Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 17:05:32 UTC