Re: Law?

You file a lawsuit when you have been penalised by not being able to access the relevant website and you have not recieved a satisfactory response from the site owner.

This means that first off you must have suffered a disadvantage because your disablity was not taken into account. You can't claim to be disadvantaged just because you can't see my daughter's myspace pages (that is not a disadvantage <G>), but you can complain if the website is offering a service such as supplying information, goods or services to the general public, and you would normally expect to be entitled to be offered a similar service.

Secondly you need to complain to the site owner and ask that he or she makes the changes needed for you to access the service. Only if you do not receive a satisfactory response to that request can you consider taking legal action. If you are not disabled yourself you can still follow the above steps on behalf of someone who is disabled, or possible, as a general principle, on behalf of disabled people in general.

Richard Warren
Technichal Manager
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ryan Jean 
  Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 4:05 PM
  Subject: Re: Law?

  How does one know when to file a complaint or lawsuit against a website for not being web accessible? I mean I wouldn't think one would file a lawsuit against a website that was just made by an individual for fun, but against a big name company website yes. So, where is the line in this?


  Ryan Jean

  Assistant IT Specialist

  The Disability Network

  Flint, MI


Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2009 14:14:14 UTC