Re: Layout Tables vs. Style Sheets

Patti Burke-Lund wrote:

> assets.  The student asked, “is this was now considered ‘old school’ in 
> three months time?”  I am also curious as I have been in web design for 
> 10 years now and am unsure of when then the recommendation took place.

About 10 years ago; i.e. at the time of the launch of HTML 4 and CSS 2. 
  Actually, it has always been the case, it is just that, there was a 
delay between tables being introduced and almost immediately abused, and 
CSS addressing the presentational imperatives that led to the abuse.

By always the case, I mean that anyone aware of accessibility or the 
origins of HTML would have realised that table based layout was an abuse.

However, it doesn't surprise me that people are still being taught such 
questionable practices.  Tools like Dreamweaver are for commercial 
artists, and advertising copywriters, not for communicators.  HTML was 
never intended for that sort of use.

David Woolley
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Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2008 20:41:18 UTC