RE: HTML5: First Public Working Draft Released

> My example is at

Thanks for providing that.  But to play devil's advocate, could that not
be marked semantically using multiple TBODY and SCOPE=ROWGROUP?

Does anyone know if screen readers support using SCOPE on three or four
dimensions?  In my experience, screen reader support for multiple
HEADERS value has been quite good.

I tested websites at the U.S. Department of Education for several years
and developers there routinely used HEADERS and SUMMARY on data tables
and this code was valuable to our employees who used screen readers.  It
is with considerable chagrin that I admit to not being able to easily
provide some good live examples.

Does anyone have good techniques for searching HTML source code?  My
attempts to use Google have proved unsatisfactory.

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2008 16:35:16 UTC