Re: a single label where multiple fields follow

> For a credit card entry that is split across 4 fields, what would be
* placed in the following titles where below there is "????"

Credit card numbers don't really have four parts.  That's done purely
to break them up for human consumption.  Whilst I get irritated by
sites that insist the numbers be entered without any spaces, I don't think
it is right to forcibly split the number thus requiring tabbing rather 
than spaces.

> For a telephone number, would this be acceptable ie the label to the
* first field that has a title and the sceond field with a title.
> <label for"telephone">telephone number</label><input type="text" id
* ="telephone" title="area code">&nbsp;<input type="text" title="local
* number">

This seems to be making the mistake of assuming that only people in
the USA will communicate with you, both in the sense that you haven't
allowed for an international code and that other countries may not have
the same area code concept or may have different lengths for area codes
and local parts.

A particular problem in the UK is that when the format of London numbers
changed, from 071 xxxxxxx to 020 7xxxxxxx, a lot of people failed to
understand that the new area code was 020, and not 0207, so you would
generate invalid phone numbers as the result of forcing a split.

> For a bank sort code
> <label for"sortcode">sort code</label><input type="text" id ="sortcode"
* title="first 2 digits">&nbsp;<input type="text" title="middle 2
* digits">&nbsp;<input type="text" title="last 2 digits">

UK bank sort codes do have some structure, in that the first two digits
are the company.  Also, the delimiter is -, rather than space, even though
the rest of the breakdown may be to make it easier for humans.  I might
accept breaking down the field in this case, although you should also
consider how someone without a UK bank account would use the site.
However, the use of the awkward titles tends to push me towards this
being a single field as well.

Received on Thursday, 21 September 2006 20:00:54 UTC