Re: Links to non accessible resources

On 28 May, Vicente Luque Centeno wrote:

> should be considered non accessible for that reason. However, some
> evaluation tools say that, as long as I have a link to a video or
> song, I MUST publish the alternative. I don't agree with that. It is

  This is, sadly, a good example why some evaluation tools should be
  kept locked away :)

  No, your site is not impacted by the content - and accessibility of
  content - of external sites. Had you embedded the data, yes, but you
  link to it. That's fine*.

  I wouldn't worry about that. I would, however, worry about the quality
  of the evaluation tool.

  Well, it isn't *fine* for those who are left out in the cold, and you might
  want to think about that bit a little. Consider the consequences of
  stating that if you link to an inaccessible resource X, you must also
  publish an accessible version Y though. The tool, it would seem,
  suggest this - but *it doesn't know who owns X*, does it?

  A brave tool indeed :)

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Saturday, 28 May 2005 17:10:48 UTC