Re: PDF in WCAG 2

I think we're getting off the track.  The question is not whether there is
text in pdf or not or whether I can google it, the question is whether I can
use it as it is and the answer is mostly no.

Johnnie Apple Seed

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Clark" <>
To: "WAI-IG" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: PDF in WCAG 2

>> If this question were actually serious, I could give you a list a mile
>> long of practices used in typography that cannot be replicated in HTML.
> please do. as long as we're talking about practices that involve content,
> and not presentational stylings.

You seem to think footnotes are presentational.

>> And did you know that you can actually embed multimedia, with captions
>> and/or descriptions, *in* a PDF now? Try *that* in HTML.
> how's about object, for instance?

object, embed, and img merely refer to multimedia. You can embed it in

>> If you really believe the contrary, can we please just write out your
>> wedding invitations on Bristol board in pink crayon?

...and the response changed the subject, so it can be ignored.

>> Except for all that text inside them.
> which is useless to me if i can't access it in the first place...

Every platform in common use (including Linxux) can read PDFs, including
via open-source tools. Plus, I dunno, have you considered Googling?

>> Why, exactly?
> because if it's not text - and i still maintain that, regardless of how
> much text is inside the pdf, if i can't access it, it may as well not be
> there - then an alternative needs to be available.

The file contains its own accessibility features. I suppose you want
captions and descriptions decoupled from multimedia, too. It seems some
other people on the Working Group want that.


     Joe Clark |
     Accessibility <>
     Expect criticism if you top-post

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2004 22:27:16 UTC