Watered-down Content And Guidelines 2.0

the more i read the 'guidelines' (WCAG 2.0), the more disillusioned i become. 

i'm getting the impression that when it's all said and done, there won't be
any regulation left. 

Each guideline is now coached in such terms, so that whatever you end up doing
may be okay; because even if the guideline states this or that, then there is
an escape clause inserted which should please the plug-in software vending
fraternity, who may now, in all honesty tell governments (their biggest
consumer) that their software allows for accessible content, "without any HTML
knowledge required"! Despite the fact that their software may only run on the
latest and selected operating systems. 

At least with WCAG 1.0 the rules were clear - and there were no escape
clauses. What we really need is for WCAG 1.0 to be re-arranged to reflect
genuine accessibility requirements; not a watered-down attempt to appease
software vendors. 

Ikhaya Internet Consulting

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2004 16:27:28 UTC