Re: Using em or percent for properties that need to change

On 17 Aug, Andy Budd wrote:

> Patrick Lauke wrote:
>> I'd say no. Optimal width of, say, a column of text should really 
>> relate
>> to the size of the font used, in my opinion. Hence, it would ideally
>> be defined in ems or elastic or semi elastic layouts.
>> Again, potentially a good idea for sites to define more than one 
>> stylesheet:
>> an elastic or semi elastic one, and a fixed width one...
> But is that an accessibility issue, a usability issue, or a personal 
> preference?

  The desire to change it is a personal preference, the ability to do so
  an accessibility issue.

  Rule of thumb: don't get in the way of user choice; no matter how much
  you are lead to believe that authors always know best.
 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2004 15:30:25 UTC