RE: trusting providers Re: Accessible web content services.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Charles McCathieNevile

    Simplest thing is to use existing properties that describe 
    the authors/creators, e.g. from Dublin Core, FOAF, etc. The 
    cnfusion is over what exactly someone did - whether they 
    are listed as author because they created the website (as 
    in the generator value for the meta element that many tools 
    put in - there's a quick way to get a sense of how good 
    tools usually are in practice) or because they wrote the content.
dp. Just addressing this part, I can get author, and with dc:author,
I'd know it was the person who 'wrote', i.e. generated, the site.
What about, I checked this site out in detail, Charles, I think you've
done that on occasion? I won't find such properties as that in foaf
or dc? That's where I think this group could help.
Equally, I recommend this person or organisation, again I won't find
that in foaf.
  Without some indicator of vocabulary, any such set of assertions
would soon fall apart. Protege allows us to generate an ontology.

I'm less sure about asking people to write RDF assertions about 
authors or sites, the foaf 'form' idea seems much more reliable.
I think protege does this too, but I haven't checked it out yet.

re tools to search such a collection of assertions, I think that's
what makes it worthwhile! Especially if the source of the assertion
can be ascertained.

regards DaveP

** snip here **


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Received on Monday, 2 August 2004 02:56:31 UTC