RE: Flash vs Traditional Screen shot tutorials

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles McCathieNevile []
Sent: 28 June 2004 10:01
To: John Colby; WAI-IG
Subject: Re: Flash vs Traditional Screen shot tutorials

Adding opinion...

Captioning things is something that is learned. 

<snip />

 They do take some real effort and time to learn, and while I am  
prepared to use my captions and descriptions in place of nothing, I would  
rather have a professional do the job for me...

OK if you can afford professionals.

Not being deliberately cynical - we have a whole load of movies to make - and just need to learn how to do it - however badly at first.

John Colby
Lecturer, School of Computing and Information
Room F328a, Feeney Building, University of Central England,
Franchise Street, Perry Barr, Birmingham B42 2SU
Tel: +44 (0) 121 331 6937, Fax +44 (0) 121 331 6281, Mobile: 07795 215 912

Received on Monday, 28 June 2004 06:05:14 UTC