RE: NVU, child of Mozilla Composer (Windows & Linux)

I'm agreeing with everything that Geoff and Charles have said. I lack the programming skills, but I know what I want from a programming tool.
Reiterating, without attempting any input then our 'cause' is going to be lost on NVu anyway. I'm sufficiently keen for this to develop - and maybe adopt it in the university, if only to save the £6000+ a year upgrade cost for each version of Macromedia. Six thousand quid is a lot of other teaching materials, like a four camera mini DV video lab with lighting setup, but that's a very selfish reason for doing it.
What we need is a developer tool that works to standards - as that is my prime concern in addressing accessibility (Giving a talk next week to the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design on this subject, along with two case studies of the application of standards based techniques).
If it's also Open source then that's a great bonus.
Summarising and extending - standards - validation - accessibility concerns - cost. Those are my drivers.

Received on Saturday, 19 June 2004 07:48:12 UTC