Re: Screenreaders

On 30 Dec, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

> Or you could point out to your client that in any case 83% of 
> statistics quoted are really just made up, and most of the rest are 
> gathered with a good dose of guesswork...

  Alternatively, it could be pointed out that the knowledge itself (ie.
  how many people use X for Y) has no real value in terms of

  Unless, of course, one want to write an accessible version of the
  website for Jaws, one less accessible for Netscape, one worse than
  that for Lynx, and finally one pretty one for IE - which, of course,
  Jaws typically run on top of ...

  No, save for the value of the knowledge itself, it doesn't really
  matter in terms of accessibility. Think "graceful transformation" and
  relay this to the client - IMHO.

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Received on Tuesday, 30 December 2003 02:47:59 UTC